The Chicano Federation is a trusted Latino advocacy organization in San Diego that thousands of families and individuals turn to for assistance. Its mission is to invest in under-resourced communities to build resilience and promote self-sufficiency through programs such as early childhood education, entrepreneurship, affordable housing, meal assistance, workforce development, and more.
Since 2017, we’ve been proud to be a partner in the Chicano Federation’s efforts, and Fernando Ponce, our Regional Business Development Officer, sits on its board of directors and is serving as board chair this year, the organization’s 53rd. Under Fernando’s leadership, the Chicano Federation successfully navigated the pandemic, provided resources to community members in their first language, and appointed a new CEO, Liz Ramirez.
We look forward to supporting the Chicano Federation’s future initiatives, expansion of services, and efforts in advocating for equity and self-sufficiency for all. Learn more about the Chicano Federation.