The best factoring companies have a few things in common, but only one thing really stands out.
Our own Jason Severson and Greg Salomon sat down for a beer to answer a few questions about factoring. Because really, what conversation isn’t made better with beer?
Here’s the secret you need to know about factoring companies.
The best factoring companies aren’t just the ones that can get small businesses the working capital they need, when they need it.
Because there is more to life than money.
This is particularly true when one entity has it and another needs it. The very nature of this relationship makes it easy for factoring companies to forget that clients aren’t just a transaction.
The best factoring companies know that factoring is more than just a transaction, but instead, it is a relationship. They put their clients in the center and have structured their business, contracts, and services in the best interest of their clients.
These factoring companies serve their small business clients, best when they provide the financing needed to reach their growth goals.
In other words, these factoring companies provide the capital so small businesses can reach their goals. And they build a relationship along the way as they do it.
We’ll cheers to that.